Leave a detailed comment before adding | Jack   Germany
Can merc HL med up to high
If I don't know you, or I haven't played any games with you, I most likely won't add you (unless I see a ton of common friends).
Also don't add me for trading. Should a problem ever exist with trading (or my trading bot), please leave a comment and then I will accept the add.
현재 오프라인
아트워크 전시대
Look it is animated :v
6 5 1
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
장터 거래 횟수
Be aware of scammers, to tell if the profile is really my profile:

✅ Steam Level 70 or above
✅ Multiple ETF2L and UGC medals in the inventory
✅ Same background as in the Artwork Showcase
✅ Item Showcase with multiple medic items including Sunbeams Maddendoktor and a Brush with
      Death #75
✅ Steam ID Jack_5515 (open steamcommunity.com/id/Jack_5515) - but always Steamname Jack
✅ Over 6500 hours in TF2, over 1500 of those on med
✅ Over 9000 trades made

You found no item in my inventory which interested you? Most of my trading has been moved to a seperate bot account: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198805251421

You can go there if you are looking for painted / spelled items or items with strange parts.


For prices check my http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198092238060 page

Items listed on backpack.tf should be accepted automatically if the correct amount of metal is in the trade offer.

Don't add me for trading - If you need something write a comment and depending on the situation I will accept your friend request.

I won't accept escrow offers without a huge overpay.

Also if you want to buy one of the painted hats I sell. I accept item overpay. But overpay means that you pay more in item worth than the price of my item. Paints, strange parts and so on do add value, but I don't take the backpack.tf price.

좋아하는 게임
플레이 시간
도전 과제
Feel free to check out my public Projects:

Related to competitive:

• Online log combiner (directly on logs.tf) - https://github.com/NetroScript/Jacks-LogsTF-On-Page-Combiner/
• Old offline python log combiner (has less features) - https://github.com/NetroScript/Jacks-TF2LogCombiner
• Compress and store Demos automatically - https://github.com/NetroScript/TF2-Demo-Archiver


Related to trading:

• Additions (like sorting, skin search, decorated weapon premium search, ...) for backpack.tf - https://github.com/NetroScript/backpack.tf-miscellaneous-extensions
• Add links to other sites (Backpack Classifieds, Premium Search, Marketplace.tf, ...) to items on scrap.tf - https://github.com/NetroScript/scrap.tf-item-information
• Small Calculator (considering store commission) and average prices for marketplace.tf - https://github.com/NetroScript/Marketplace.tf-Price-Calculator


Miscellaneous stuff:

• Statistics for your history of Valve Casual or Competitive Games - https://github.com/NetroScript/TeamFortressMatchHistoryAnalyzer
• Check if a specific steam id is on the current server - https://github.com/NetroScript/TF2-Player-Finder




• ExtendedSteamOnlineStatus - https://github.com/NetroScript/ExtendedSteamOnlineStatus - A userscript which adds back the option to use the online status of either "Busy", "Looking to Trade" or "Looking to Play"


• Between Shallows - https://enostrion.itch.io/between-shallows - A game made in a gamejam of my university, the game is similar to an endless runner, you play as a fish and have to balance black and white, and keep both colors at their full strength so they don't fade

• Devlis Diner - https://enostrion.itch.io/devils-diner - A game made for the VimJam 3. A cooking game where you need to keep your stove heated and cook many items at once to fulfill orders.

최근 활동
기록상 2,082시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 9일
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마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 24일
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Arelelele 2024년 2월 15일 오후 12시 48분 
drewban 2024년 1월 8일 오후 3시 58분 
Added yo ask a question (not related to your items)
Sabesaroo 2023년 7월 18일 오후 5시 19분 
hl project
General jruokis the Merciless 2023년 1월 18일 오후 9시 06분 
:bar_gear: Come, Faithful Mediarch! The Medics must attend to their patients together! :bshealth:
󠁳 ⁧gg 2023년 1월 14일 오전 7시 08분 
realpootis 2022년 11월 1일 오후 1시 45분 
i wanna bulk buy your bot painted hats if ya up